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PRCS Concludes its Emergency Meeting for the International Movement of the RCRC in the Gaza Strip

(Gaza, 18/9/2014): PRCS concluded today the 3-day emergency meeting it held at PRCS’ Headquarters in Gaza City for the International Movement of the RCRC. The meeting, which discussed the consequences of the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, aimed at developing effective mechanisms to meet the urgent needs of affected populations.

In his closing remarks, PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib thanked participants for their attendance and continued support to the Society’s humanitarian, health and relief services with a view to alleviating the suffering of affected populations. He underlined the need for a permanent humanitarian solution and for guarantees to prevent such a disaster from happening again, and highlighted the importance of overcoming the great challenges and humanitarian needs created by the attack.

The meeting came up with a series of important recommendations, mainly to develop a safety and support network comprising the Movement components to boost PRCS’ efforts, to make serious efforts to oblige Israel to respect IHL provisions relating to the protection of civilians and medical missions against hostilities and targeting, and to restore humanitarian and health services to affected populations. Participants recognized the key role played by PRCS’ teams and volunteers in the humanitarian and health fields, including the provision of assistance to the wounded and to affected families, despite direct targeting and the risk of death.

Finally, participants visited PRCS’ Al Quds hospital, touring its Admissions and Emergency Ward, clinics, X-ray and laboratory services as well as its operating rooms. They were briefed about health services provided by the hospital and its top-notch clinics and wards, and also visited a number of wounded patients being treated there.