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A Delegation of MEPs Visits PRCS’ Headquarters

(Al Bireh – 7/9/2014): PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib received at PRCS’ headquarters in Al-Bireh a delegation comprising 18 members of the European Parliament who are currently visiting Palestine in a show of solidarity with the Palestinian people. Al Khatib briefed the delegation about the situation in the oPt in general and the Gaza Strip in particular, highlighting the main services provided by PRCS in the West Bank as well as its latest interventions in the Gaza Strip.

He also described the deteriorating humanitarian and health conditions in the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the Israeli attack, focusing on the many violations committed by Israel against PRCS’ teams, vehicles and branches. During this attack, he said, two PRCS’ EMTs, Mohamad Al Abadleh and Mohamad Al Bura’i, were killed while another 47 EMTs were wounded. Moreover, 32 PRCS’ ambulances and four PRCS’ buildings were damaged or partially destroyed.

A documentary film produced by PRCS about the services in Gaza was also screened during the meeting.
MEPs expressed their sorrow over these PRCS’ casualties caused by war crimes committed in clear violation of International Humanitarian Law. They promised to convey to the European Parliament an accurate description of the situation in the oPt.

Following the meeting, Dr. Al Khatib and Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS’ Director General, accompanied the delegation on a tour of PRCS’ departments and sections, where they got a first-hand view of services provided by and challenges facing PRCS.

At the end of the visit, Al Khatib thanked the delegation for this visit which he described as a great humanitarian gesture towards the Palestinian people.
