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Dr. Al Khatib meets with Dr. Francesco Rocca, IFRC Vice-President

(Al-Bireh- 24/8/2014): PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib received today at PRCS’ Headquarters in Al Bireh Dr. Francesco Rocca, Vice-President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).


Dr. Al Khatib briefed his guest on the latest developments in the oPt in general, and the Gaza Strip in particular. He spoke in detail about the deteriorating humanitarian and health conditions in the aftermath of the Israeli attack on the Gaza strip which started more than 45 days ago. The attack, in which civilians and civilian objects are arbitrarily and intentionally targeted, has led to the displacement of around 250 000 Palestinians who now live in public and UNRWA schools-turned-shelters.


Al Khatib also touched on the targeting of PRCS’ teams, branches and ambulances in the Gaza Strip where PRCS’ lost two of its EMTs, Mohamad Al Abadleh and A’aed Al Bura’i. Moreover, 46 other PRCS’ EMTs were injured while 27 ambulances were damaged and four PRCS’ branches were partially destroyed.


Al Khatib expressed his gratitude for the humanitarian role played by IFRC and for the financial support it has provided to PRCS through its Disaster Relief Emergency Fund with a view to strengthening the Society’s humanitarian response and to meeting the urgent needs of affected populations in the Gaza Strip.


Dr. Rocca lauded the humanitarian efforts and sacrifices made by PRCS’ staff and volunteers to allay the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. He affirmed that IFRC shall continue to provide support to PRCS and that he shall personally convey the needs and the suffering of disadvantaged Palestinians not only to the President of IFRC, but also to its 189 member National Societies.


Dr. Al Khatib and his guest had visited yesterday the Society’s branch in occupied Jerusalem where they met with Dr. Abdallah Sabri, Vice-President of PRCS. They also toured PRCS’ hospital in the city, its Psychosocial support Center and its Emergency Medical Center. During this visit, Dr. Rocca was briefed about the tremendous challenges faced by PRCS’ teams on Israeli checkpoints between Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank.


Dr. Rocca also visited PRCS/Hebron where he met with Mr. Samih Abou Isheh, Secretary to PRCS’ Executive Committee. Mr. Abou Isheh informed his guest about the health, psychological and relief services provided by PRCS in Hebron Governorate. Mr. Rocca then visited PRCS’ hospital in Hebron where he was briefed by staff on the various services it provides.

