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Injuries and damages in the PRCS EMS center in Jabaliya due to the Israeli shelling on the Gaza Strip

(Al Bireh – 09/07/2014): During the Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip, a number of shells hit the PRCS EMS center in Jabaliya at 9:30 pm Wednesday night. Nine of the PRCS EMTs and volunteers were slightly injured while three EMTs suffered from bruises and fractures and were transferred to the PRCS Al Quds hospital in Gaza city. Moreover, three ambulances were completely destroyed and are now out of service and the building itself was damaged
The PRCS center was evacuated and its team and ambulances were transformed to the EMS center in Gaza city from where they will respond to the humanitarian needs of the Palestinians in Jabaliya.

The PRCS condemns the continuous shelling of the populated areas in the Gaza Strip which leads to losses in civilian lives and damages to their properties, which is considered a violation of the IHL provisions. The PRCS points out to the risks of the large scale targeting of civilians and their houses and which is considered as a war crime.

The PRCS calls on the international community and its various organizations to take all necessary measures to force the occupation authorities to respect the IHL provisions and stop the indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas and their properties and the excessive use of force.