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To be concluded with the election of its governance bodies The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) launches its 11th General Assembly Conference at Al-Bireh this coming Thursday

)Al Bireh – 28/4/2014): The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) launches its 11th General Assembly at its headquarters in Al Bireh for three days.


The Society holds its general assembly regularly every four years with a wide participation of its members from all its branches and sub branches inside Palestine including occupied Jerusalem and the Diaspora.


The Assembly will discuss the report of the Executive Office, and the Society’s strategy for the upcoming four years from 2014 to 2018. In addition, it will hold two panel discussions on the Society’s response during emergency situations, and on strengthening the resilience and capacities of the Palestinian community. The final session in the Assembly will feature the election of the Society’s governance bodies.


A number of representatives of main partner international organizations will attend the Assembly such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and other national societies.


The President of the PRCS, Dr. Younis Al-Khatib, confirmed that the Society gives exceptional priority to the Assembly as it acts as a fundamental pillar to enhancing its operations, evaluating its performance over the past four years, as well as drawing valuable lessons to utilize in its future plans.


Dr. Al-Khatib stated: “In the Assembly, we explore together the strategic directions for the future that direct us to properly execute the role of the PRCS. This national society has proved itself to be one of the most influential and effective Palestinian organizations on both the national and international levels.”


He also added: “Despite all the challenges over the past years, the PRCS has succeeded in proving itself to be as a crucial partner at the service of the Palestinians at home and the Diaspora and we are looking forward to reinforcing this role in the future.”


Dr. Al-Khatib also added: “It is true that the PRCS and its staff have made many sacrifices when dealing with the various crises that people have witnessed, whether at home or at the Diaspora, but we have never hesitated in executing our humanitarian duty in times such as the Second Intifada, or during the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip 20082009, or even during the Al-Nahr Al-Bared crisis in Lebanon, as well as during the Syrian crisis.


He also made clear that the Assembly represents a major pillar in the PRCS’ history confirming that: “This is a tradition that we will not give up, and meeting here in Palestine means a lot to us.”


As for the election of the PRCS’ governance bodies, he stated that it is an important item on the agenda of the assembly. It reflects our belief in democracy and the importance of renewing and developing the governance bodies at the different levels.


Dr. Al-Khatib pointed out that this year’s Assembly was preceded by several assemblies held by the branches and sub branches in the West Bank.


He added: “The PRCS, which is proud of its unique staff and its diligent activity in serving the Palestinian people, would not have achieved all of its successes over the past years, if it wasn’t for its strict belief in institutionalization, and for ensuring regular periodic elections, renewal of the governance bodies and programs and systems of the Society.”


Al-Khatib confirmed that the PRCS is constantly developing its programs, and improving its staff's expertise and skills because it is committed to providing best quality services for Palestinians at home and the Diaspora.